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Mia Makela launched Wooshi Wooshi for the promotion of female electronic currents in the form of events, workshops and cds/dvds. The first wooshiwooshi event was organised in Barcelona in June 2003 during SONAR festival.
Artists like Eva Casal (de) , Irradiation (at), Honeychild (US), Jane D'Arensbourg (us), Caro Snatch (uk), Mortenson (es), MC's Tahani Nadim (at) vs Parangari Cuturi aka Anne-Marie Schleiner (us), Izu (es/fr) and TOOT (aut/es) gave performance during the 2 days.
La Serilla associacion cultural offered their gallery on calle Ferlandina for the event.
To see the full programme and artists' links click here
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