Expedición artística posthumanista en la isla de Chiloé
CECREA, Castro, Isla Chiloe, Chile - 2019
Expedición artística posthumanista al Estrecho de Magallanes
Lumen festival, Punta Arenas, Chile - 2017
Tanto las exploraciones cientificas como las expediciones de artistas viajeros en los siglos pasados tenian como objetivo cartografiar las diferentes regiones y descubrir los recursos naturales. La mayoria de las expediciones tenian proposito economico utilitario. Especialmente en la historia de Chile, las expediciones marcaron profundamente el destino del pais, y la modernizacion realizada por parte de los europeos, segun Ingrid Wildi Merino.
En el contexto historico la expedicion artistica posthumana en Patagonia funciona como expedicion de correccion. Funciona como un ejercicio para practicar otro tipo de actitud hacia al entorno, sin buscar beneficios, clasificaciones o dominios sobre lo que nos rodea. Hay que recordar que ver el mundo como coleccion de clasificaciones cientificas, inventadas mayormente por las mentalidades del siglo 18, y es solo una de las posibles narrativas para nuestras miradas. Durante la expedicion intentamos a cultivar la capacidad de reconocer la vitalidad en lo no-humano y para facilitarlo usamos las tres reglas de dialectica negativa desarrollada por el filosofo Adorno y el teoria de los actantes de Bruno Latour. El termino co-evolucionar por Donna Haraway forma el base de nuestros ejercicios mentales.

Tracing interspecific empathy
Excursion with Ph.D. Miiamaaria Kujala and artist-researcher Mia Mäkelä.
Pixelache festival, Helsinki - 2016
What kind of empathy we as humans feel for other species? How is empathy influencing how we detect the emotional states of other beings? What are the latest scientific discoveries on the field of empathy of species like dogs? Do other species share the same notion of empathy with us?
These are some of the questions we are reflecting on during the expedition.
During the field trip we will have discussions, empathy exercises, work on tasks and share our experiences and feelings.
Cabin Walks&Talks are excursions guided by collaborating artist/ scientist team, and experienced with all senses. These excursions offer relaxed meetings places for everyone with a mindset of a natural philosopher. The first Cabin Walks&Talks took place at Pixelache festival 2016, around the Lapinlahti area and cemetary of Hietaniemi in Helsinki. The theme was interspecific empathy. You can invite Cabin W&T excursion to your event or organization. The guides are curated according to the selected theme.
About Miiamaaria Kujala and Mia Mäkelä
Miiamaaria Kujala is a cognitive scientist and brain researcher in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki and Dept. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University. In her PhD research, she has studied the brain basis of social cognition in humans, and thereafter e.g. participated in developing animal-friendly procedures in studying animal emotions. She is particularily interested in how human empathy and expertise affect evaluating dog behavior and emotions; how dogs perceive the social and emotional world; and what are the differences and similarities between the dog and human perceptual experiences.
Mia Makela works in the fields of art & artist research, cultural history, documentary, development projects and AV-performance. Her work explores intersections between art and other disciplines like technology, magic, science, politics and history. Her latest projects include “Green Matters – Handbook for algae gatherers” a two-year exploration of green macro algae in the Baltic Sea. Zootopia is an alternative audio guide to Helsinki zoo based on research and field work as animal attendant.